Your participation in active research projects is essential to better understand Parkinson’s disease, and for future development of innovative therapies.
Your participation will advance knowledge about Parkinson’s and lead to improved treatments. You and future generations can benefit and this is only possible with your help.
How does C-OPN help people with Parkinson’s disease?
More than 100,000 Canadians live with Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. Currently, there are no definitive tests to diagnose Parkinson’s disease, and treatment addresses mainly the motor symptoms and not the non-motor-symptoms, which can have huge impacts on quality of life. This network will harness efforts from researchers and clinicians across Canada in order to promote multidisciplinary collaborations, and enable large-scale projects not possible at a single centre. We are creating an unprecedented registry and database in Canada focused on Parkinson’s research. C-OPN will drive more efficient research and accelerate our understanding of the complexity of the disease. This knowledge will lead to novel treatments for Parkinson’s.
“The Parkinson’s research registry is important and should be recognized. It not only records data, but also gives out information that can guide future research. I enjoy working with the researchers and being part of a larger community of volunteer participants. I want to pay back prior study participants, who helped research that I benefit from and now I can pay it forward to future generations. This is your chance to be part of the future knowledge of Parkinson’s disease.”
– Eldean Kathol (89) diagnosed in 1900
Linda Bérard with her partner and caregiver Yves Lafortune
“It was early in the summer of 2013, at the age of 44, that we received the shocking news that I had Parkinson’s disease. And it was shocking. A total Knock Out … .3,2,1 out! Our life was turned upside down, and we sought to better understand this insidious disease that invades me. When Dr. Fon told us about the Quebec Parkinson Network [now linked to the Canadian Open Parkinson Network], I registered without hesitation. As parents (and now grandparents), our greatest wish is to win the fight against this chronic and degenerative disease so that generations following us will speak about Parkinson’s as a curable disease. To date, I have participated in several research protocols and, to the best of my abilities, I will continue to do so. ”
– Linda Bérard (55) diagnosed in 2013
The Calgary Parkinson Research Initiative [now linked to the Canadian Open Parkinson Network] was well organized and comprised of two site visits of 3 hours each. The research coordinators were well prepared and this made participation enjoyable. I consider it a privilege to have the opportunity to advance research in Parkinson’s disease. Get involved… What are you waiting for?
– Laurine Fillo (60) diagnosed in 2003