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Centre de Recherche de l'Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM) 4545, Chemin Queen-Mary, Montréal (Québec) H3W 1W4

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C-OPN Sites

On this page, you will find an overview of the current C-OPN recruitment sites, including a brief description of each site and their respective coordinators. Additionally, links to the professional profiles of our team members are provided.

Recruitment type

British Columbia

University of British Columbia (Vancouver)

The Vancouver Parkinson Research Initiative (VPRI) was created in 2020 by Dr. Martin McKeown in collaboration with the UBC Movement Disorders Clinic. VPRI is currently led by Dr. Silke Appel-Cresswell, Professor of Neurology and Director of the Movement Disorders Clinic in the UBC Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health.

For more information about VPRI, please follow this link.

UBC C-OPN site is currently looking for a new clinical research coordinator. If you are interested in applying, please send your CV and cover letter to


University of Calgary (Calgary)

The Calgary Parkinson Research Initiative (CaPRI) was created in 2016 by Dr. Oury Monchi and became the second C-OPN site when C-OPN was initiated in 2019. CaPRI is currently led by Dr. Davide Martino, Professor of Neurology and Director of the Movement Disorders Program at the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary and takes out the part ‘Director of the MD program’, co-lead by Dr. Scott Ryan, Associate Professor at Hotchkiss Brain Institute.

Parisa Alizadeh has been the CaPRI site coordinator since 2024 and she is supported by Tracy Hammer.

Please visit the following website for more details on the CaPRI here.

University of Alberta (Edmonton)

The University of Alberta Parkinson Research Initiative (UAPRI), led by Drs. Richard Camicioli and Janis Miyasaki, has been part of C-OPN since 2019.  This site is part of the Parkinson and Movement Disorders Program in the Division of Neurology at the U of A.

Francis Cheung has been the UAPRI study coordinator since 2019.

Please visit the following website for more details on the UAPRI here.


Western University (London)

The Western University site in London, ON was the tenth C-OPN site to be initiated in 2023. This site is currently led by Dr. Penny MacDonald, Movement Disorders Neurologist and Associate Professor in Neurology in the department of Clinical Neurological Sciences at Western University.

David Michels has been the Western site coordinator since early 2025.

Please visit the following website for more details on the MDC here.

Please visit the following website for more details on the Penny MacDonald MDN here.

Toronto Western Hospital (Toronto)

Hien Chau

The Toronto Western Hospital (TWH) C-OPN site was initiated in 2023. TWH C-OPN is currently led by Dr. Lorraine Kalia, a Neurologist at the TWH Movement Disorders Clinic (UHN), a Senior Scientist at the Krembil Brain Institute (UHN), and an Associate Professor in the Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto.

Hien Chau has been the TWH C-OPN site coordinator since 2023.

Please visit the following website for more details on the TWH here.

Please visit the following websites to see research projects beyond C-OPN that the site is part of Kalia Labs here.

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (Ottawa)

The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute Site (OHRI) at Ottawa, ON was initiated in 2020. This site is currently led by Dr. David Grimes, Movement Disorders Neurologist at Ottawa Hospital and Associate Professor in the department of Neurology at University of Ottawa.

Harleen Kaur has been the Ottawa site coordinator since January 2024.

Please visit the following website for more details on the OHRI here.


McGill University (Montreal)

The Parkinson Quebec Network (QPN) has existed since 2013 in the province of Quebec. There are two recruitment sites, one at the CHU de Québec – Université Laval and one at the Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital (the Neuro). The QPN joined the C-OPN initiative at its beginning in 2020. The QPN is currently led by Dr. Edward Fon, Professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at McGill University & Scientific Director of the Neuro, and co-led by Dr. Nicolas Dupré, Department of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Université Laval and Director of the Neuromuscular and Neurogenetic Diseases Clinic at CHU de Québec — Université Laval.

The site coordinators at the Neuro are Sarah Bogard & Roozbeh Sattari.

Please visit the following website for more details on the QPN here.

Please visit the following website for more details on the Neuro here.

University Health Center of Québec (Quebec)

The CHU de Quebec-Université Laval (CHUQ-UL) site is part of the C-OPN since its beginning in 2020. The site is currently lead by Dr. Nicolas Dupré, neurologist, director of the neurogenetic clinic of CHUQ-UL and full professor at the department of medicine of Université Laval. The team also includes Vicky Caron, site coordinator since 2022 and Mathieu Blais, scientific manager since 2020.

Please visit the following website for more details on the CHUQ-UL here.

Nova Scotia

Centricity Research Halifax (Halifax)

The Centricity Halifax joined the C-OPN in March 2024. Although new, this site is eager to bring success to this venture. This site is currently led by Dr. Kerrie Schoffer, MD, FRCPC, Neurologist and Assistant Professor at the Division of Neurology in the Department of Medicine at Dalhousie University.

Since 2024, the lead coordinator at Centricity Halifax is Mika Desiderio, registered nurse.

Please visit the following website for more details on the Nova Neurology MDC here.